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hierba mojada

Type of Services

General Improvement: Painting & Wallpaper Removal, Drywall, Flooring Installation, Tile Work, Siding, Sanding

Doors Installation/Replacement, Windows Installation/Replacement, Basement Remodel/Improvement,

Bathroom Remodel/Improvement, Kitchen Remodel/Improvement, 

Multiple Room Remodel/Renovation, 

Garage Remodel/Improvement.


L&L offers lawn work such as mowing, cutting, and edging grassy areas, trimming bushes, maintaining yards and grounds, pruning, weeding, and fertilizing.


General Bed Maintenance/Detailing: This service includes weeding, ground-cover trimming/controlling, debris removal, removal of spent blooms, and monitoring

and removal of browning leaves and branches.



Oil Burner: Maintain oil burners and associated equipment, automatic, pneumatic and electronic controls, pipefitting and heating systems



Small Constructions: This service includes decks, roof installation, roof repair,  modification within the house structure, restrooms, walls, doors, windows. 


Handyman Services: This service includes heavy lifting (such as moving furniture or appliances), painting, hanging trim molding, yard work and maintenance, installations (such as mounting a television or hanging window treatment), grouting, drywall, and other carpentry, installing decks and patios, laying or removing floors, cleaning, and hanging gutters, handyman services: heavy lifting (such as moving furniture or appliances).

Herramientas de jardinería
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